CodingameSuccess: Solution
for all your Codingame tests

We provide a Chrome extension that gives you
solutions for all Codingame tests.

Extension CodingameSuccess




Tuto CodingameSuccess

Solve codingame tests with CodingameSuccess

Extension CodingameSuccess

Free Solution Codingame

Find some solutions to the codingames tests for free

Solutions Codingame

Example Solution

Some codingame solution statement



CodingameSuccess Explanation

Create an account with the CodingameSuccess extension

How to use CodingameSuccess:
For multiple choice questions, our anti-cheat system offers a 100% accuracy rate. For coding problems, follow these steps:
1) Select "MCQ" or "Problem Solve".
2) Click "SOLUTION".
3) Don't close the extension while it searches for the answer.
4) Don't copy/paste the code directly.
5) Instead, quickly take a photo of the code with your phone.
6) Close the CodingameSuccess extension.
7) Manually enter the answer from the photo.
8) CodingameSuccess guarantees a 100% success rate on Codingame tests, with a high enough score to pass the interview but less than 100% to outwit anti-cheat systems. We offer a Money Back Guarantee for your peace of mind.


Perfect solutions for digital experience

CodinGame Success is an innovative extension for Google Chrome that effortlessly solves your CodinGame tests, remaining undetectable by the CodinGame anti-cheat system. We believe that coding tests do not always reflect the true potential of developers and can create unfair competition.

To pass your tests even more easily, and to have all the solutions to your Codingame tests, you can consult our CodinGame Success Extension.

Alternatively, you can consult our free CodinGame solutions.



* Some projects are not allowed to publish by CodingameSuccess
if you want to see more solution.

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  • CodingameSuccess

    Extension Codingame


    What's client say about me

    5.0 Rating

    I was able to secure a position as a freelance developer thanks to CodingameSuccess, as it helped me ace the CodinGame tests. Although I had strong coding skills to begin with, I realized that CodinGame tests do not always accurately reflect one's true abilities. Today, I am earning a substantial income and I am grateful to CodingameSuccess for helping me get here.