Teads Sponsored Challenge

Interesting puzzle ! The aim is more or less to find the best person to start spreading propagation of a message in a crowd of people. For this to be clearer let us introduce a little vocabulary :

In pratice, given a connected graph we want to compute its radius. Now, this puzzle is easiest as it seems, because we work not on all graphs, but only on undirected trees. Hence, we can rely on several properties.

First, there is only one simple path between 2 vertices of an undirected tree. As a consequence, the radius and diameter of such a tree are linked by the following relationship : 2R - 1 <= D <= 2R. So instead of computing the radius, we can compute the diameter.

Moreover, any node can be the root of an undirected tree. It is useful to prove the correction of an algorithm used to compute the diameter of an undirected tree in linear time. The algorithm is the following.


import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

 * This class is used to return both the last vertex encoutered, 
 * and the excentricity of the starting vertex after a BFS
class Result { 
    public int length; 
    public Node last; 

 * This class is representing a node of the graph.
 * neighbs is a list of the node neighbours
 * n is a unique constant id
class Node {
    private ArrayList<Node> neighbs;
    private int n;
    public Node(int n){
        this.n = n;
        neighbs = new ArrayList<Node>();
    public void add(Node n){

    public ArrayList<Node> neighbs(){
        return neighbs;
    public int n(){
        return n;

class Solution {
     * Reads the standard input and constructs the graph to study
     * @return ArrayList of the vertices of the graph
    public static ArrayList<Node> readInfos()
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        ArrayList<Node> graph = new ArrayList<Node>();
        int N, x, y;
        N = in.nextInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            x = in.nextInt();
            y = in.nextInt();
            /*As node ids are consecutive and start from 0, when discovering a
             new node i, adds nodes to the graph until there are i+1 nodes */
            while(graph.size() <= Math.max(x,y))
                graph.add(new Node(graph.size()));
        return graph;
     * Runs a Breadth First Search and returns the last node encountered, 
     * and the starting node excentricity
     * Complexity : O(|V|)
     * @param start starting vertex
     * @param graph graph to search
     * @return Result containing one of the most distant nodes from 'start', 
     * and the distance between them*/
    public static Result BFS (Node start, ArrayList<Node> graph)
        Result res = new Result();
        int[] depth = new int[graph.size()];
        for (int i = 0 ; i < graph.size() ; i++)
        depth[start.n()] = 0;
        Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
        Node father, son;
        while (!stack.empty()) {
            father = stack.pop();
            Iterator<Node> sons = father.neighbs().iterator();
            while (sons.hasNext()) {
                son = sons.next();
                if (depth[son.n()] == -1) {
                    depth[son.n()] = depth[father.n()]+1;
                    if (depth[son.n()] > res.length) {
                        res.length = depth[son.n()];
                        res.last = son;
        return res;       

    public static void main(String args[]) 
        ArrayList<Node> graph = readInfos();
        Result r = BFS(graph.get(0), graph);
        r = BFS(r.last, graph);